Annual Scholarship

Fortmann - Dellorto - McGowan

The Student Scholarship application window for the 2024-2025 school year has opened. Applications are available to download below, in the church office, or on the tables in the church. Applicants must be in grades 6 or higher, registered and active members of St Henry Church for at least 2 years and comply with all requirements stated on the application. The deadline to submit the completed application with all required documentation is June 15, 2024.

Click HERE to download Your Scholarship Application

A message from Father Francis:

The occasion of the scholarship award annually reminds us that through the kind-heartedness and generosity of the families of Fortmann, Dellorto and McGowan, Saint Henry Church is able to disburse some money to deserving and active members of this parish in keeping with the specified intentions of the donors.

The families of Fortmann, Dellorto and McGowan were faithful members of Saint Henry Church. They made significant financial contributions to this Church and were good and kind to people in general. They did not want their assistance to the Church and the parishioners to end with their passing on to eternity. So, out of their generosity they set aside some money for the Church as Scholarship Funds to be a means of continued and lasting relationship with the Church and its parishioners. Their acts mirrored the Solemnity we celebrate: that Jesus left for us in the Sacrament of his Body and Blood, the means of continued presence and action among us and within us. We owe these donors our prayers even as we ask for their prayers that we in turn may be good Stewards and Disciples of Jesus Christ all through our lives.