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Whether parishioner or visitor at Saint Henry Catholic Church, may you find the peace of Christ and abundant blessings from our parish community. Please explore our website to see how Saint Henry can become part of your faith journey. We look forward to meeting you!

Fr. Francis A. Akwue

Fr. Francis A. Akwue

Welcome to St. Henry Catholic Church

A message from the Pastor:

Thanks to the generosity of the members of Saint Henry’s Parish and the Knights of Columbus Council 4955, we came close to meeting our ABCD goal for 2023. Our goal was $59,858.82 and so far, we have collected $57,835.00. Some members are doing their best to complete their pledges by the end of February. Archbishop Wenski thanks everyone of us for our sacrifices.

As the work to be done in the vineyard of the Lord continues and as Disciples of Christ, we thank God for the opportunity to share in the labor. This year, the archbishop has reduced our parish goal to make sharing in the labor lighter for us. So, our goal this year 2024 is $55,635.

We have received the envelopes for responding to this year’s Appeal. Those who have not, may pick them up from the side tables in the church. You may begin to consider what you wish to sacrifice for the Kingdom of God this year through the ABCD. Next weekend, we will respond massively: those who want to bring their contribution through the church are encouraged to do so and those who wish to mail directly to the archbishop may do so.

God bless you as you prepare and God bless St. Henry Catholic Church. Father Francis

- Father Francis

Gracias a la generosidad de los miembros de la parroquia de San Henry y del concilio 4955 de los Caballeros de Colón, estamos cerca de alcanzar nuestra meta para el ABCD del 2023. Nuestro objetivo era $59,858.82 y hasta la fecha hemos colectado $57,835. Algunos miembros continúan esforzándose para cumplir con sus promesas de contribución que terminan a finales de febrero. El Arzobispo Wenski agradece a cada uno de nosotros por nuestros sacrificios.
A medida que continúa el trabajo por hacer en la viña del Señor y como discípulos de Cristo, agradecidos de formar parte en esta labor; este año el Arzobispo ha reducido la meta de nuestra parroquia para que el trabajo sea más liviano para nosotros, fijando nuestra meta para 2024 de $55,635.
Hemos recibido los sobres correspondientes a la campaña de este año. Aquellos que aún no los han recibido por favor recójanlos de las mesas de la iglesia. Por favor empiece a considerar qué sacrificios por el reino de Dios desea hacer este año por medio del ABCD. El próximo fin de semana responderemos masivamente: exhortamos a todos aquellos que deseen traer su contribución a la iglesia lo hagan, así como aquellos que deseen enviarlo directamente al Arzobispo.
Que Dios los bendiga mientras ustedes se preparan para bendecir a la Iglesia de San Henry.

- Padre Francis

Archbishop's Charity and Development Drive


This upcoming Election, we must unite and VOTE NO on Amendment 4.
If passed, this Amendment would:

  • Eliminate parental consent
  • Weaken the medical doctor requirement
  • Put women's health at risk
  • Allow for second and third trimester abortions; and
  • Create a broad "health" loophole

You can find more information about Amendment 4 on the Archdiocese of Miami's website www.miamiarch.org.
Say "Yes" to Life by Voting "No" on Amendment 4.

For online offerings for St. Henry Church,
please click HERE to begin.

You can now donate through Zelle

Now you can also contribute to our parish in an easier way, with the convenience of the Zelle service, please make your donation to our parish this Christmas and during the year to:
We thank you for your generosity!

Donaciones a través del Servicio Zelle

Para su comodidad, a partir de ahora también puede hacer sus donaciones a nuestra parroquia de San Henry utilizando el servicio Zelle. Si desea hacer una donación esta Navidad o su ofrenda semanal por este medio done a:
¡Agradecemos su generosidad!

To watch Mass online or access other liturgical activities and information, click on any of the links below or tune into their TV or radio stations.


Radio Paz 830am

Relevant Radio 880am / 1080am

Archdiocese of Miami's webpage

Daily 8:00am 7:00pm
Saturday Vigil 4:00pm 7:00pm
Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am, 11:30am 1:30pm
Holy Days Vigil 6:00pm
Holy Days 8:00am, 12:00pm, 6:00pm 7:00pm
St. Jude Novena After the 8:00am Mass on Mondays
Miraculous Medal Novena After the 8:00am Mass on Saturdays
Religious Education Class 10:00am 12:00pm
Religious Education Mass 11:30am 1:30pm
First Friday Exposition After the 8:00am Mass
Act of Reparation after 8:00am Mass
Adoration after 8:00am Mass until 7:00pm Mass

Drawn together by our common bonds of Faith, Hope and Love, we strive to serve God and one another as members of a parish family under the patronage of Saint Henry.

With ardent faith we celebrate the Eucharist, sharing the mystery of Christ's presence in our Holy Communion.

Compelled by the love of Christ, we reach out beyond the walls of our church and minister, not only to members who are unable physically to attend and participate actively in the Liturgy, but also to people near and far, who need our services.

happy parisioners: mission statement = faith, hope and love