Church News and Events

Corpus Christi Procession

Corpus Christi Procession: June 2, 2024

From St. Henry Catholic Parish we united with Pope Francis as we professed our Faith in Jesus Christ present in the Blessed Sacrament, honoring with a befitting procession immediately following the 1:30pm Mass. We were happy to have some members of the Knights of Columbus with us, some of whom helped us to bear the canopy above the Blessed Sacrament.

Past Events:

50 year anniversary of St. Henry Catholic Church

2019: Golden Jubilee Year
50th Anniversary of St. Henry Catholic Church

Family Fun Day at St Henrys, June 1, 2019
Feast of St. Henry, July 13, 2019

St. Henry Church's International Food, Family and Fun Day

On June 9, 2018, Saint Henry's held their annual community event, Open to All: International Family Fun Day, with plenty of food, games, activities, and raffles for everyone to enjoy. A huge Thank You to all who volunteered and participated in St. Henry Church’s International Food, Family & Fun Day, making it such a success! Special Thanks to our Fun Day Committee Members: Mayra Mendoza, Julio Mendoza, Ayleen Mendoza, Eric Ramirez, Abel Perez, Blanca Perez, Victoria Flores, Fernando Leal, Maria Feliciano, Diave Valek, DC Kiyemba, Sara Martinez, and Alex Martinez. THANK YOU!

Family Fun Day train
Family Fun Day staff
Family Fun Day kids
Family Fun Day activities
Family Fun Day prep


On Saturday, December 20, 2014, the family members of this Saint Henry celebrated some significant milestones in the life of their Church: the 45th anniversary of the founding of the parish and the 40th anniversary of the Dedication of the parish church.

On that occasion, Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski blessed the newly completed expansion that has given a ‘new face’ to the dedicated church building.

To read article in Archdiocese of Miami, Click HERE

mass celebration at St. Henry's
Archibishop Wenski